Seb Andexer
November 3rd, 2004, 03:48 PM
I am having problems with my eos 1. This morning when I decided to take a few pics in the front hard I noticed that when looking in the viewfinder the exposure meter(it that what its called?) had 2 arrows lit up permanently. I can still expose pictures properly but I find it anoying and could confuse me. Does anyone know how to fix this or what is causing it? This is the only problem I have had with this camera after owning it for a few months, its solid and in really good condition.
Here are a few pictures to show what I am talking about.
Bernard Diaz
November 3rd, 2004, 06:52 PM
Have you tried removing the battery? A sports photographer told me when something like this happens to take the everything that makes contact with the camera off and then put back on.
Ie. Battery, lens, compact flash.
I believe the EOS 1 is a film body so the CF wouldn't apply.
Hope this helps.
Seb Andexer
November 3rd, 2004, 08:37 PM
I made sure the battery contacts are clean and still no luck. Here are two photos to show which arrows I am talking about(highlighted in red)
Jon Meester
November 3rd, 2004, 09:09 PM
What mode do you have the camera in? P, Av, Tv, M. Usually when there are two lit it means the reading falls in between two settings.
Steven Digges
November 3rd, 2004, 09:35 PM
The camera is fine. It is telling you that exposure compensation is active. Depress the shutter button half way and spin the big dial on the back of the camera until they line up and one will go away. Or you have it in manual mode with flash and the exposure meter is indicating the difference in exposure between the flash exposure and the ambient exposure. Turn the flash off and one of them one will go away.
Seb Andexer
November 5th, 2004, 08:02 PM
Thanks for your help everyone. It wasnt the flash(dont have a working one at the moment) and I shoot manual so no exposure compensation. I ahd a feeling that it was something with the electronics but the problem just went away.
Steven Digges
November 10th, 2004, 11:53 AM
Exposure compensation is still active in the manual mode if it is set. The double arrows will show up to indicate a half stop of compensation is active when you have the camera meter set to read in third stop increments (custom function). I doubt that there is anything wrong with the camera. It sounds like you purchased it used, do you have a manual?