Cesar Ruiz
November 2nd, 2004, 08:50 AM
This was much longer. The first song got hacked up quite a bit and so did the last song. I'm particularly concerned that it might be too distracting. All comments welcome...thick skin on.
Judy Handley
November 2nd, 2004, 10:52 AM
OMG Cesar - I loved it!
My only complaint is seeing the videographer in several camera shots. I'm sure it was somewhat unavoidable, but it's something that I always notice and don't like.
I didn't really notice the songs being "hacked up" as you say - the content was way to interesting for me to pay attention to that.
What a great couple, kept me smiling through the whole dance.
Edward Troxel
November 2nd, 2004, 11:33 AM
Hey Judy. Welcome to the DVInfo community!
David Stoneburner
November 2nd, 2004, 12:22 PM
You might want to think about putting in dissolves between the shots of the bridal party coming in. Because of your camera placement, their screen direction kept switching from right to left between the camera shots. A dissolve would help soften that or next time try to put both cameras within the same 180 degrees of the subjects. Other than that, nice job.
Cesar Ruiz
November 2nd, 2004, 12:23 PM
Hi Judy,
Nice to see you here.
The videographer that's all in black is me. Yeah, plenty of shots of Brian on the tripod and me with the SteadyTracker. Have tried blurring the edges so that the eyes concentrate better on the dance floor but it doesn't look right.
That's what I get for not being able to get my ideal wide shot, which would have been looking straight down from the top of the tent, but that would have been tough to setup and I'd be scared the entire time that it might fall and kill someone.
Cesar Ruiz
November 2nd, 2004, 12:27 PM
You're right David. The camera placement was a toughie with this one.
I tried the dissolves but it doesn't go with the music. I have been considering just flipping the tripod shot. Can't look any stranger than it does now.