Michael Pappas
November 1st, 2004, 11:24 PM
Hello Kaku. Could you film some material at 1/30 shutter at 0db. I want to see how well this looks. Sony doesn't drop a field in this mode like they have on previous cameras ... Thanks you
Michael Pappas
Kaku Ito
November 2nd, 2004, 02:55 AM
I have 30frame and 1/30 shutter speed file posted already. Do you want 60i at 1/30, too?
Michael Pappas
November 2nd, 2004, 04:19 AM
Hello Kaku! Yes, 60i at 1/30 is exactly what I would like to see? And ofcourse at 0db gain. A good size clip would be nice of people or some time of activity in front of the camera. I want to view this on my 50" XBR HD system for analysis. Thank you Kaku!
Michael Pappas
Kaku Ito
November 2nd, 2004, 07:02 AM
I shot some stuff with that setting. I'm more satisfied with 30frame and 1/30th than 30frame and 1/60th, so I shot some stuff with 1/30th on 60i to compare. I look for it on my tape and add to the post.
Carlos E. Martinez
November 2nd, 2004, 08:46 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Kaku Ito : I shot some stuff with that setting. I'm more satisfied with 30frame and 1/30th than 30frame and 1/60th, so I shot some stuff with 1/30th on 60i to compare. I look for it on my tape and add to the post. -->>>
Can you please tell me the post's URL?
Chris Hurd
November 2nd, 2004, 08:59 AM
Hi Carlos, the root directory is located at http://www.hdvinfo.net/media/kakugyo/.
Kaku Ito
November 2nd, 2004, 11:25 AM
I had it already posted from the beginning!!
DawgHDV60i30CT.m2t is the one. 60i and 1/30th with Cinematone on.
Tony Rogers
November 6th, 2004, 11:02 AM
I actually think the DawgHDV60i30CT.m2t is overall quite stunning in a raw way.
I think the possibilities are trully amazing now for the indie artist.
Anyhow, I'm a director (technically far from a cinematographer/editor). I just know what looks good, not always exactly how to produce it.
I noticed some glaring artifacts present when the camera operator would follow the guy doing wheelies- mainly along the white railing structure in the background. Is this sort of jittery look intrinsic, or could it be my VLC mt2 player? Could it be easily treated in post? (like some DV artifacts) or would the high resolution make that really painstaking?
Carlos E. Martinez
November 6th, 2004, 02:30 PM
What do I need to read m2t files?
Kaku Ito
November 6th, 2004, 08:58 PM
Use VLC (http://www.videolan.org/) to play it back on your computer.