View Full Version : Shutter Speed

November 15th, 2001, 06:56 PM
Does anybody know of a miniDV camera that can shoot faster than 30 frames per second? Are there any plans for the XL-2 to do so?

Adrian Douglas
November 16th, 2001, 01:12 AM
What you are talking about is the frame rate, not the shutter speed. They are two entirely different animals.

Frame Rate is the number of frames or interlaced images shot in one second. A faster frame rate, like can be done with film cameras, is useful for slowing down the action smoothly when using slow motion. It also eats film at a faster rate.

Shutter speed is how long the shutter of the camera remains open allowing light to reach the flim plane/CCD. The faster the shutter speed the more the action is frozen producing a sharper image.

I'd love a DV camera that shot at 50/60 fps as I shoot surfing and snowboarding and it looks beautiful when slowed down, but I can't see it happening in a $5000 camera, it would be nice though along with true progressive scan.

Bill Ravens
November 16th, 2001, 08:19 AM
There is an option in TMPGEnc that allows the user to generate 60 FPS DV. It works pretty well, giving truly smooth video. For more info check out

November 16th, 2001, 10:30 AM
What kind of surfing and snowboarding movies do you make? Where can I see them?

Adrian Douglas
November 16th, 2001, 07:59 PM
I'm currently in the middle of my first full production. I've shot for other people for a couple of years and now I'm doing my own. This one is pretty low key, just local crew here in Japan. It's more a learning experience for me than a commercial video.

As the surf here isn't thank good, it's going to be more aerials and the like, and freestyle snowboarding is super popular here so there will be more hits and rails than pow lines. If all goes well and I can get a budget for the next one, expect to see more powder and bigger waves. If you've got any ideas let me know I'd love to hear them, or if your interested in doing a joint production, that'd be awesome.

I haven't got anything online yet, but it's coming. I'm just waiting for my NLE system to come from Australia to me in Japan. My site is