Aaron Koolen
August 28th, 2002, 08:54 PM
Hi all, I found a place in Australia selling the XM2 that I thought seemed relatively cheap compared to a couple of other places I looked at. I emailed them and got all the info I needed but was told today that they had actually stuck the wrong price on their website (I checked, the new price is there now) but I could still order their PRO kit for the quoted price but I'd have to do it now.
What they were offering was the XM2 with PRO KIT which is
Canon Hard case (hc-4100), dual battery charger (CH-910) and the extra battery (910 I think). The total for this will be
About NZ$6300 or probably $7100 if customs grab it and whack on GST. These equate to about $3000 and $3300 respectively in USD. I know there's more involved than just conversion but I'd appreciate any advice on this, especially from Aussies who might know if this is a good buy or not.
Frank Granovski
August 29th, 2002, 01:50 AM
Did you check out:
www.cameraaction.com.au (Melbourne)?
E-mail, Gail, to see what she can do for you. Her e-mail is:
(Tell her Frank from DVFreak.com sent you.) No, I don't make a commission. It's just a darn good place to buy a cam, "Down-Under."
Chris Hurd
August 29th, 2002, 02:36 AM
While you're at it, Aaron, forget about the HC4100 hardshell case. You don't want that thing. It's shiny almuminum with a big Canon logo and it screams, "I am an expensive camera! Steal me!"
There are so many other hard cases and soft cases that are so much better, and much less expensive. Hope this helps,
Aaron Koolen
August 29th, 2002, 02:36 PM
Hey Frank, that's the place that I was talking about! Haha. Well I heard from a store here in Auckland yesterday, after I posted here, and they had gone and contacted Canon and Canon had told them that the Xm2 will be in round mid September! Originally, Canon had told me end of the year that's why I was trying to source one from overseas. So I think after all this hoohaa, I will wait for a few more weeks and see what price it comes in at...Canon told him "about" the same price as the XM1 was before the XM2 came out, but that sounds too good to be true! :)
Thanks all
Kyle "Doc" Mitchell
August 29th, 2002, 03:59 PM
Hello Aaron:
Good job, dude. Thanks for emailing me the heads-up. The reason why I'm posting here is because I tried to email you back, however, my email isn't functioning properly from my apartment. Doh! As far as a camera case is concerned, I'm thinking about constructing my own out of a toolbox like case and some foam. I'm gonna be careful though: I don't want anything to damage my camera. Perhaps, I'll throw some dirt on it and put trash on the sides to make it look cheap, so nobody would steal it . . .
Kyle "Doc" Mitchell
Aaron Koolen
August 29th, 2002, 04:06 PM
Hey Kyle, bummer about your email. If you get it working send me an update on how things are going with ya.