View Full Version : Lighting ISSUE with GL2

Adam Brochu
October 30th, 2004, 03:41 PM
hey there everyone, i'm shooting on an outside environment, specifically on a golf field. Its a sunny day, but there are occasional cloud cover which drastically darkens whats recorded on the camera. Whats the best way to comphensate to have the camera automatically adjust to the lighting environment so that when i'm recording the subject won't turn light then dark then light because of the cloud cover. Should I leave everything on auto or is it more complicated then that? specific functions should be left on auto such as aperature?

So basically I just want consistant lighting on whats recorded despite cloud cover and no cloud cover which tends to change the lighting which is recorded.

Hope someone can help, thanks ahead of time!

Graham Bernard
October 30th, 2004, 04:15 PM
First off, first post eh? Welcome aboard.

Okay - Don't know about you but my eyes adjust to the times when clouds roll by. It happens. Why not allow the camera do the same? But yes, manual will hold for the exposure and go dark when clouds roll by. You can't manual for dark as the view would over expose when the clouds cleared. I'd go auto and select the fixed daylight balance. BUT the thing here is that I've noticed too that when in Auto the manual focus doesn't lock. I'm going to experiment with this again, but I seem to recall that it didn't. But back to auto or manual outside. The variation and value between light and darkening would have to be pretty rapid for the XM2 not to accommodate fast enough for your own eyesight to recognise it happening? Is this your point? Obvious hunting exposure ? .. hmmm . .. I've watched sports events where the pros cameras would hunt too. Have you ever seen the same with a Stadium mounted camera that is very high and has reached that time of the day that there is a massive shadow cast across the football field. You'll see it there . . massive exposure hunting.
