Robert Ellenwood
August 30th, 2009, 06:24 PM
I am right in the middle of a production and my XL2 recorded image just started hopping, bouncing, hickuping, etc! It just started the last couple of days, while locked in position on a tripod the image "Hickups" while filming, it bounces up and down for split second then stops for about 2 seconds then hickups again! it records this way as well. I tried different tapes and it is still remains an issue. Need help right away, in the middle of a production shoot.
Thank you,
I am right in the middle of a production and my XL2 recorded image just started hopping, bouncing, hickuping, etc! It just started the last couple of days, while locked in position on a tripod the image "Hickups" while filming, it bounces up and down for split second then stops for about 2 seconds then hickups again! it records this way as well. I tried different tapes and it is still remains an issue. Need help right away, in the middle of a production shoot.
Thank you,