View Full Version : Canon XL 2 Image Bouncing "Hickup"

Robert Ellenwood
August 30th, 2009, 06:24 PM

I am right in the middle of a production and my XL2 recorded image just started hopping, bouncing, hickuping, etc! It just started the last couple of days, while locked in position on a tripod the image "Hickups" while filming, it bounces up and down for split second then stops for about 2 seconds then hickups again! it records this way as well. I tried different tapes and it is still remains an issue. Need help right away, in the middle of a production shoot.

Thank you,


Chris Hurd
August 30th, 2009, 07:11 PM
From the symptoms you're describing, it sounds like the culprit is one of two likely causes:

1. Optical Image Stabilization is on. Be sure to turn it *off* when mounted on a tripod (the switch is on the side of the lens).

2. The program mode dial is set to Green Box (Easy Recording) mode. Don't use this mode when the camera is mounted on a tripod, because in this mode Optical Image Stabilization is always on, even when the OIS switch on the lens is set to Off. And you definitely want OIS to be Off when mounted on a tripod, therefore do not shoot in Green Box mode when the camera is mounted on a tripod.

Hope this helps,

Robert Ellenwood
August 30th, 2009, 07:57 PM
Chris, your a genius!...I need to take some time to better understand my rig.

Thanks again!


P.S. Item #1 was the issue.

Chris Hurd
August 30th, 2009, 08:22 PM
I'm not a genius, but I'm certainly glad to be of help!