View Full Version : Building a video studio and edit suite

Matt Perry
October 28th, 2004, 03:58 PM
Does anyone here know of a company in the San Francisco Bay Area that can consult with me on building a video studio and edit suite?

Let me provide a little background. I work for a large corporation as a one man video department. I produce everything from training videos to recordings of seminars and live web presentations with the delivery being either online streaming video, CD, or DVD.

When I started, the company wasn't sure how much they were willing to commit to using video. Because of that I haven't always had a permanent place to shoot or edit. I usually moved about every six months to a new space, often to an unfinished part of one of the buildings on our campus.

After two years of this the company has decided that they want to make a serious commitment to their video services, including giving me a sizable area for a studio and edit suite (rather than having a small desk in the corner of the equally small space that I have). I'd really like to do this right. I'm hoping to find a company that can help us with figuring out the details of having a lighting grid, dimmers, electrical, getting everything wired up to the edit suite, installing the decks and computers into a rack, etc.

I'd like to get someone involved early on since our facilities people are just now working with the architects on how to build out the rest of the unfinished space in this building. I have an idea of what I'd like the finished product to be but how to get there is way over my head.

Has anyone been through this before? Any advice or contacts in the Bay Area? I'd appreciate any advice on where to start.

Greg Boston
October 28th, 2004, 04:07 PM
Hi Matt,

You might want to give these folks a call. They have turnkey editing suites and other quality stuff. I have no personal experience with them, but they are in California.



Joe Carney
October 29th, 2004, 12:47 PM
Though I rarely go there anymore, you might want to go over to and check the various forums. They have one on equiping the studio, and I'm sure you will find someone who could help you. does require free registration.

Gary Chavez
November 1st, 2004, 06:28 PM
you also might want to check various edit suite manufacture's
web sites.
Some have desk blue prints right there.
Had mine built to one company's specs for much cheaper.
Also, check around for some TV engineers in you area.
Lots of those guys freelance.
They can save you a bundle in time wasted and do-overs.
Dont ever use some-one who has nevered wired a edit suite before.
I am in your position, except we have a carpentry shop.
I came from TV news, so I knew the engineers at about 3 stations here.
Also, one of these guys can do your preventive mantience and emergency repairs so you wont have to ship out.
Most of these guys know Sony up and down and Ikegami also.
Prosumer stuff they really wont touch, not worth thier time.
hope this helps.

James Emory
November 5th, 2004, 10:14 AM
These companies provide the consoles for all kinds of technical applications. They also have field reps that will consult with you on how to get what you need.

Gary Chavez
November 5th, 2004, 10:21 AM
oh yeah, dont forget electric needs.
I had 2 more 4 boxes installed on different circuts.
dont wanna blow out every ones computer .