View Full Version : FCP 3 can't find time code when I try to capture.
Alfred Okocha October 27th, 2004, 07:13 PM This is my set up..
An iMac G4, FCP 3 and a TRV19 as a deck. Firewire connected.
The TRV19 is a NTSC cam and when I capture with my NTSC footage there's no problem. however.. I was asked to do a job with PAL tapes.
Since I've heard that the cam should be able to playback without problem I accepted..
The cam playback without problem but FCP can't capture.. I changed the FCP preferences to PAL but it didn't help.
What happens is that the black, log and capture screen comes up written "waiting for time code". then it frezzes up and I have to force quit the program..
Does anybody have an idea?
Boyd Ostroff October 27th, 2004, 07:24 PM I can't put my finger on it, but there was a similar discussion regarding PAL footage played on an NTSC PDX-10. The conclusion was that PAL footage would play through the video out connector on the NTSC camera, but it was not supported via firewire. In the case of the PDX-10, Sony does not state that the camera is compatible with PAL tapes so the fact that they play at all is really an unsupported feature. If you look at the specs for the TRV-19 I suspect you will find this to be the case as well.
Alfred Okocha October 27th, 2004, 07:33 PM Ohh, shhhhot. really? So I guess I'm pretty ..., you know. What on earth am I going to do now then.. Maybe I can get it transfered to my external at a production company.. That'll get expensive though.. If I only knew anybody with a PAL cam around here..
I guess you don't have any other solution Boyd?
Jeff Donald October 27th, 2004, 07:39 PM I think I saw this also on the Apple Discussions. The camera plays back PAL footage but it does not meet PAL DV spec and FCP is unable to capture it. I don't remember if Capture Now works, but I have a hunch it doesn't work either.
Boyd Ostroff October 27th, 2004, 07:45 PM I think the only way to answer this for sure will be to look at the specs in the back of your TRV-19 manual, they should say whether the camera is PAL compatible. In the case of my VX-2000 and PDX-10 no such claims are made; the manual says they use the NTSC system.
Even if the camera did capture PAL I find it very unlikely that you would be able to export your footage back to the camera and write it to tape. Perhaps you can purchase an inexpensive 1 chip PAL camcorder for your project?
Alfred Okocha October 27th, 2004, 07:46 PM No it didn't.. thanks for the suggestion though.. I must say you guys are quick here. on other topics you have to wait for days before somebody answers..
Jeff Donald October 27th, 2004, 08:05 PM What topics are those Alfred?
Alfred Okocha October 27th, 2004, 08:16 PM Oops, sorry there Boyd. My last post was an answer to Jeff, I didn't see your post. (We must have posted more or less at the same time..)
Yeah you are probably right about not being able to record to PAL.. But in this case I could make a DVD and hope people would be able to watch that..
What I really want to do is to put subtitles/ closed captions on a existing 20-min clip.
the budget won't allow me to buy another cam since I only might get paid if a deal is closed..
Oh Jeff, don't worry about it. I'm just really happy I'm getting fast quality answers to my questions!
Alfred Okocha October 27th, 2004, 08:19 PM I know a guy here with a PD 150.. Do you think they all would be compatible to transfer my PAL footage? (and back?)
Jeff Donald October 27th, 2004, 08:56 PM I'm not familiar with that camera and PAL transfers. Boyd knows the Sony products better than I do.
Boyd Ostroff October 28th, 2004, 09:16 AM Alfred, I don't think that any of the NTSC Sony cameras can really work with PAL footage. The fact that they may play a tape and display it on the LCD screen or video output is more of a "bonus" than a supported feature. If these cameras really worked in both formats I'm sure Sony would make this known since it would be a good selling point. But in fact they make both NTSC and PAL models of their cameras. As I've said, my two Sony cameras can't do this. You can read the PD-150 manual here
I understand that you want a no-cost way to edit PAL, but unfortunately wishing won't make it so. Can't you borrow or rent a PAL camera or deck somewhere? I'd guess you could find some sort of cheap PAL DV camera in the $300 range, but really have no first-hand experience there. Maybe there are even cheaper ones somewhere like eBay? Now if you aren't willing to make the investment for this capability, and if there's some question as to whether you will even get paid, then maybe this is a good time to back out of the project....
Alfred Okocha October 28th, 2004, 10:56 AM Thanks for your concern Boyd. I understand the problem, I misread one of your post and thought that you had said that your VX2000 did do the job. I see now what you wrote and I'll certainly consider my options..
I'll check if there's a production company around that doesn't charge too much to do a transfer.. (Is there any other program that imports and transfers maybe?)
Giving up is never fun so I'll incist a bit longer.. ;-)
Shane Ross October 28th, 2004, 11:27 AM Can you rent a DSR-11 deck, or find someone to borrow it from? It playsback and records PAL footage.