View Full Version : Help with error msg on PD170

Kenrick Cleveland
October 27th, 2004, 12:36 AM

I am seeing an error when I try to shoot something.

What looks like a card shows up. On the left hand side of the card is what looks like a speaker. Just to the right of that is a line slashing through the card.

The camera did not come with a card so one is not installed. That might be the answer. LOL But on the other hand, I'm wondering if it is something to do with audio as I can't hear anything from what I shoot either.

Does anyone use a card in this camera? The stills are such low quality from what I hear, I wonder if there's any reason to buy a card and use it.



Andre De Clercq
October 27th, 2004, 02:15 AM
If there is no card in yr cam, and you yr cam is in photomode, you will get that sign. Just shift the the small slider in the Rec knob area in the direction of the arrow while yr cam is off. By this you will avoid to start in photomode.

Kenrick Cleveland
October 27th, 2004, 02:22 AM
Thanks Andre.

That made the error go away.

I'm not hearing any audio at all on this when I play it back.

Is there a trick to getting audio to play? LOL This camera is sophisticated.

Thanks again for your help.
