View Full Version : What is the best titler or text software ?

Mark Paschke
October 26th, 2004, 11:11 AM
I use Vegas 5 but can import .

I have been using Heroglyph 1.05 as a demo and its pretty good but are there better ones with a little crisper graphics? I will purchase Heroglyph if not but I find it hard to believe this is the best out there

Rob Lohman
October 31st, 2004, 06:58 AM
Some people seem to like doing their graphics in a paint program
like Adobe's Photoshop. They make a very (very) large picture
and place text or whatever they want on that (and usually they
want to use some effects or other paint work). Export that and
then move across this large image in the video application.

It will probably not be the fastest way if you just need some
titles. I assume your not too fond of the builtin titler?

Paul Mogg
November 12th, 2004, 12:47 AM
You might want to consider moving to the Mac to be able to use Motion, Apple's new motion graphics software. Only $299 and for me it quite easily blows away everything else out there in terms of capability and ease of use, it's quite stunning what they've achieved with this software.

Richard Alvarez
November 12th, 2004, 08:13 AM
I belive Boris Graffiti is compatible with Vegas, you should look into it. I use it with Avid.