Craig Bellaire
October 22nd, 2004, 08:08 AM
Does any of the newer cameras have noncompressed out puts.
Cameras meaning either canon Optura series or even the DDX-10 or the panasonc dvc-30... It just seems that if people would like to try and use these to switch cameras live and also use them in the field, a non compressed signal from the s or composite would be best rather then compress the signal twice.. thanks
Rob Lohman
October 23rd, 2004, 04:07 AM
The digital signal over the firewire is always (at this point) in
either DV or HDV comrpession. The composite (don't use) or
s-video outs have been of much discussion regarding
uncompressed use, however:
1. it is unknown for each camera how they get the s-video out (in regards to where the signal originates)
2. it us unknown what the quality of the digital to analog converters are
3. you will need a high quality shortest possible cable
4. you will need a high quality analog capture board in your computer that either supports uncompressed or low compressed MJPEG
5. you will need to look carefully at the performance of your harddisk(s) and may need a RAID setup depending
6. to the best of my knowledge (ie, I haven't seen any yet) there hasn't been done a GOOD test to see whether this would yield any benefit at all
So all in all I would stick with firewire/DV and focus on other
perhaps more important things like story, acting, lighting and
editing. Which are all much more easily influenced by you and
usually make a far bigger dent, quality wise.
Keep in mind that analog capture is usually compressed as well.
I'm not to sure where your "rather then compress the signal
twice" comes from!?
Craig Bellaire
October 23rd, 2004, 05:58 AM
Thanks this is great info. My thought was that If I came out of the camera on the s cable "Compressed to DV25" then went into a mixer like the Videonics MX1 then back through a canopus advc-100 "firewire" "meaning compressed twice" into the computer then for my public access TV show I wouldn't have to spend 8 hours capturing, editing. I would switch Live I could save maybe 6 hours work.. Although it sounds like it would be cheaper to buy 3 dv cameras and keep the quality up and spend the extra time..Thanks again