View Full Version : Transportation: HC-3100 carrying case?

November 14th, 2001, 03:31 PM

Does anyone know what the dimensions of the HC-3100 Carrying Case are? Can it be brough on a plane as a carry on? What's the best way to transport the camera?


Adrian Douglas
November 15th, 2001, 03:22 AM
You can try to carry it on. I have a couple of times, but got chased down the boarding ramp once. Take it as carry on, and if they refuse they will put it with the lugage, this also avoids the excess baggage possibility which can get pricey. Pack the case with bubble wrap, I mean everything, take the camera apart and wrap all the bits in the stuff. then pack it so nothing can move. Airline handling policy seems to start about 1 foot off the ground, if it only falls a foot it's ok.........I don't think so Tim.