View Full Version : Help! 4x Question.

Barry Rivadue
October 20th, 2004, 01:13 PM
I've only recently gotten into burning DVDs; thank goodness I have a DVD duplicator that goes up to 12x. Anyway, I read that 4x blanks are being discontinued (if this is ancient news, forgive me--I've been in a cave on this). 8x is the new standard, of course. But, I have two very new 4x burners I'd like to use for awhile more--how finite is the 4x blanks supply? Should I buy up as many as I can now, or what?


Mark Sloan
October 20th, 2004, 03:35 PM
You can always use an 8X and burn at 4X. Can't you? I've not heard of anything preventing you from doing that.

Barry Rivadue
October 20th, 2004, 07:30 PM
Okay, that's good to know (though I've heard contrary info that you can't use an 8x blank on a 4x burner). I'm impressively ignorant about such fine points right now. Thanks for the input.

Rob Lohman
October 21st, 2004, 01:53 AM
You should be able to use 8x media with your 4x burnern. However,
I would run some tests before buying large quantities and such.
Not every (8x) media (brand) might work on your burner for

Vic Owen
October 21st, 2004, 10:27 AM
Has anyone tried 8X disks in the Quicksilver superdrives? The prom upgrade took care of the 4X issue -- is the same true for 8X?


Mark Sloan
October 21st, 2004, 03:24 PM
I have a QuickSilver but my drive only burns at 1x but I've been able to use 8x media from maxell.

Mark Sloan
October 24th, 2004, 12:34 AM
Whoops. Make that Memorex.

Vic Owen
October 24th, 2004, 10:02 AM
Well, it's somewhat academic, now. I sprung for one of La Cie's new 16X d2 drives. I hope to see a serious improvement in burning time.