View Full Version : humming noise with GL2

Tara Bush
October 18th, 2004, 09:55 AM
I just purchased a GL2. I have owned a GL1 for about 3 years. When I recieved the GL2 and started playing around with it, I attached my external mic and plugged in my headphones and turned the camera on. I heard a humming noise thru the headphones. I shut the camera off and turned it back on, and the camera definitely was making this humming noise. I got out my GL1 and did the same humming noise. This was all done with out recording. I decided to see if the noise would come thru on tape. The GL2 definitely transferred the noise to tape and the GL1 was very quiet. I returned the GL2 to the company a cost of $55...mostly for insurance. They are supposed to check it out and send a new one. I am a little leary of getting another one, but I really wanted a GL2. Anyway, has anyone else had this it common? I hate to have them send me another one...only to have to spend another $55 to send it back to them. Thanks, Tara

Robin Davies-Rollinson
October 18th, 2004, 09:59 AM
I've had problems with some mics into my XM2. I guess it must depend on the matching of the mic to the camera's input circuit. Some mics will have a high output and therefore the camera's pre-amp won't be working so hard.
Strange how it didn't happen on the GL1 though...

Tara Bush
October 18th, 2004, 10:11 AM
Well, the thing is Robin that when I take the headphones off and just listen to the side of the camera....the humming noise is very noticeable while I don't hear anything on the GL1. I called Canon and they said that it was not common and I should send it back to the company and request I just have to wait to see what happens. The reason I decided to get another camera is because my GL1 has 2 dead pixels on the ccd. I have it under Mack warranty for another year, so they will fix it, but I won't get it back for 6 to 8 weeks. Anyways, thanks for your time. Tara