View Full Version : 3 million served!!

Gary Bettan
August 23rd, 2002, 12:12 PM
Last night just before midnight we had our 3 millionth visit to the webpage!

We hit the 2 million mark last May, so that's 1 million in about 15 months. I'd like to thank everyone here on this list for helping in our success. Most of you have been to our site and many of you are our customers. For that we are very appreciative.
If you haven't been to our site in a while, please stop by. We've got a bunch of new articles and other cool stuff. I'm working on a major new RT4 real-time round-up article and I hope to have an NLE shoot out (Premiere 6.5, Xpress DV, Edition, Vegas Video) later next month.


Chris Hurd
August 23rd, 2002, 12:15 PM
Great job, Gary! Are you headed to Vegas for WEVA? If so, let's hook up and chat. Lots of stuff been going on...

Gary Bettan
August 23rd, 2002, 12:28 PM
I won't be at WEVA. My sons 7th birthday is August 28th. WEVA seems to be that week every year.
