View Full Version : Sony NP-FM70 won't fully charge.

Bram Corstjens
October 11th, 2004, 04:06 AM
Since yesterday, my Sony NP-FM70 battery (original Sony, bought it with my TRV-60) won't fully charge.... After about 15 minutes the yellow LED on the charger goes out and the battery has only 10% power....

Draining and charging again has no effect. Is there a way to charge the damn thing, circumventing the built in 'meter' ?

Peter TK Lee
October 12th, 2004, 12:37 AM
Hello Bram,

I don't think there is a way to bypass your in camera charger without an external unit.

How old is the battery?

What was your charge/discharge habits like (full discharge before recharge or recharge with some charge left)?


Bram Corstjens
October 12th, 2004, 06:35 AM

The battery is about one year old. Normally I use the camera till the battery is completely depleted (so the "low batt" indicator blinks). Then I fully charge it with the original Sony battery charger.

The other battery (half the power/size) has no problem whatsoever.

I'll try to manually charge it then....

Peter TK Lee
October 12th, 2004, 07:15 AM
The thing about Li-Ion batteries is that they don't usually like being fully discharged before being charged again - unlike NiCD or NiMh batteries.

However, since your battery is only one year old I wouldn't expect it to be in the condition you describe (as LiIon batteries last around ~500 full discharge/charge cycles) unless you've been using it everyday for the past year.

If your other battery doesn't suffer the same problem, then it is more than likely the FM70 battery that has an inherent issue, rather than your camera.


Darko Flajpan
October 12th, 2004, 08:57 AM
Sorry Bram, it seems you need new battery. I also had a F330 which had troubles you dicribed, aftey year and half. I tried everything, but battery had just about 15-20 mins power.