Jay Stevens
October 8th, 2004, 09:50 PM
When I capture video from my vhs for transfer to dvd I am having a problem. It looks great as the tape plays but after saved to the hard drive, different. The bottom of the screen has what looks like a couple of screwy lines out of sync as if the video were off tracking. Is it the format (mpeg) or the video card? After some internet research it sounds like this may be a common problem but I'm not sure that what I read is actually the same as my problem. Any format suggestions or solutions to this problem.
Thanks, Jay
Jeff Donald
October 8th, 2004, 10:46 PM
I'd have to see a couple of frame grabs, but it sounds like skewing. It can be corrected with a full frame Time Base Corrector (TBC). How are you capturing the VHS signal?
Jay Stevens
October 8th, 2004, 11:01 PM
Composite straight from vcr to pc. I am also using intervideo windvd creator silver edition software. As I play from the vcr, the pic looks great. Again, I only have what looks like poor interlacing at the bottom when playin back the mpeg version from the hard drive.
Dan Euritt
October 9th, 2004, 10:46 AM
it's a couple of jumpy white lines at the bottom of the picture? i believe that it's known as head-switching noise(??)... it's not visible on a t.v., because it's outside of the safe title area, so it should not be a factor for dvd's that get played back on a t.v.
Jay Stevens
October 9th, 2004, 10:49 AM
Thanks Dan. The rest of the pic looks normal. Is there any way that you know of to repair this?
Boyd Ostroff
October 9th, 2004, 11:47 AM
Apply a narrow letterbox mask to the final video?
Mike Rehmus
October 9th, 2004, 12:06 PM
Almost the only time those lines will show is if you are using a video projector or LCD display.
I mask my work with a thin black mask when I know it will be shown on one of the displays that show everything.
Jay Stevens
October 9th, 2004, 04:53 PM
Absolutely wonderfull!!! You can only tell the noise on the "video" in playback on my pc. On the TV though, the bottom noise is totally gone from view. Thanks.