View Full Version : Pal or NTSC - Which one do you own?

Cieonatechori Michelieve
October 8th, 2004, 06:48 AM
As I'm waiting for FX1 to come out, I thought I should ask from you experienced users about which version should I get - PAL or NTSC.

How do you go about making the DVD's for both Europe and Americas?

When you make a DVD, is it just the difference between resolution that makes the DVD a PAL or NTSC.

Can it can be played on DVD players both in Europe and Americas[irrespective of being PAL or NTSC]!!!

If you have to convert the DVD from one format to another, what is better to shoot on - PAL or NTSC.


Dan Euritt
October 8th, 2004, 05:57 PM
read the ntsc/pal info here:

going between pal and ntsc is a nightmare... you can actually play pal dvd's on a lot of the newer ntsc dvd players here in america, but the frame skipping is pretty obvious in some scenes.

the only tool that i have found that works well is procoder, but i've only ever tested it going from ntsc to pal... don't know about going from pal to ntsc, but i'd be skeptical of how you are going to create the missing frames... try it and let us know.

Arnaldo Paixao
October 14th, 2004, 02:40 AM
PAL to NTSC with Canopus ProCoder works OK. Done it several times.

Best regards,

Cieonatechori Michelieve
October 15th, 2004, 03:26 PM
Thanks a lot Dan and Arnaldo. I'm confused as for which version of FX1 should I get - PAL or NTSC. I do not care at all about going the film route, all I want is to encode the DVD's which can be viewable on both systems for viewing across the globe.

Do you think if I shoot NTSC it will be easier and efficient to encode to pal, or the opposite.


Gareth Watkins
December 5th, 2004, 03:28 AM
Just a suggestion... Maybe more use shooting PAL as it is of higher res than NTSC.. surely any quality differences would show less on converstion.....

I have a PAL FX1 but if you hang on until th enew year you can get a Z1 that shoots both standards....

