View Full Version : xl2 iris question

Rand Michael
October 7th, 2004, 09:10 PM
considering that the xl2 has an electronic iris, is there anyway/any device that will allow one to control the iris via a lanc controller similar to the zoe.

By the way, I'm on the 16x mechanical lens


Chris Hurd
October 7th, 2004, 09:12 PM
Not by LANC, no. But by FireWire... well, wait for the SDK offerings.

Marty Hudzik
October 8th, 2004, 08:55 AM
Since you seem to have little inside information on what the SDK may or may not be able to do, I'd like your opinion. Is there any chance that we will be able to get in and tweak the gamma curves with more preciseness with the SDK? I'd really like more control besides 3 settings for knee and black levels. In other word in software (like Premiere, Photoshop and AE for example) I can grab a curve and add points and manipulate it by visually changing the shape of the curve.

I ask because I would indeed like to see a more "S" shaped curve that the DVX seems to be closer to "in camera". I can achieve it in post, and that is allright. But to tweak it in camera would be way cool!


By the way....I'm not asking for you to divuldge any NDA material. Just a "yeah it could probably do that" or a "no I don;t think that is accessible via the SDK".


Chris Hurd
October 8th, 2004, 09:48 PM
How about an honest "I don't know."

I don't know very much at all about what the SDK is capable of. Really I have no clear idea. But I do know that you can do a lot, so very much, more than you might think, through the FireWire jack. So keep yer fingers crossed.

Marty Hudzik
October 9th, 2004, 02:40 PM least the door isn't totally closed on these optiions.