View Full Version : GL-2 Manual WB looks green

Aaron Ferguson
October 6th, 2004, 09:33 PM
Hello everyone. I have had my GL-2 for about a month but unfortunately I haven't had much time to play around with it! I have noticed a little something though. I am trying to do a manual white balance, and for some reason it is coming out looking green. I don't remember it doing this before and I'm not sure what is affecting it. And no, there are not fluorescent lights.

I was also wondering about the WB presets. When I press the button to change them the first one is indoor, the second is for sunlight, the third doesn't have any icon over it and the last is manual WB. I am wondering about what the 3rd preset is?? The 3rd one almost looks the most accurate, but I can't figure out what it is, and can't find anything about it in the manual unless I am passing it over.


Graham Bernard
October 7th, 2004, 12:53 AM
Oh yes .. that is the Auto WB. This is the one where the camera "attempts" to set itself up correctly for WB. Think about it! Your camera =is amassing all sorts of info to throw back at your a WB-ed setup. This is an amazing camera ... well I think so . . However, in trying to "assist" me/you/us it will do a lot of "hunting". I've done quite a bit of event Run 'n Gun type of shooting, I've recently, the last 8 months been crawling towards manual. There is no doubt that manual - in everything: focus; exposure; WB and of course the audio - is the way to go, but getting and learning how to obtain the best from your camera is a very personal affair - yes affair! I've flicked between Auto ad Manual just to be aware that the camera "may" have got it better than I - yeah? I use Auto Focus to assist myself to "set" focus - THEN I hit the Manual Focus . . .

Getting green from properly setting WB? Hmmm... interesting . . I once "thought" I'd WB-ed correctly on a filed of very very yellow Oil Seed rape . . they came out green too!

So, I know a wee bit away from your original query about the "No-Icon" on the WB . . but hopefully you can see that there is more to this camera than meets the . . er .. . eye?

Oh did I say it is a nice camera yeah? . . Think I did . . .


Michael Kopp
October 7th, 2004, 01:19 AM
everything said re: going towards manual... totally spot on.

i would only add: do some test shots with a standard shot. then adjust the white balance, or the sutther speed or apteture... whatever. even white balance off of other than white cards. try a purple. try a green. then how does it look? and see what happens. then judge, what do you like? what doe sthe shot you are going for call for? what's the objective?

then make it look like you want.

experimentation = knowledge

now learn again. try again. there is no do, only try again. and again.

John DeLuca
October 7th, 2004, 01:45 AM
Ive seen that before when using a grey/white card in rooms with alot of mixed lighting(very rare). I have heard the canon cameras somtimes need to be grey/white carded up to a few times before the WB is truly accurate.


Don Palomaki
October 7th, 2004, 04:25 AM
What was the light source, and upon what did you try white balance?

Aaron Ferguson
November 1st, 2004, 12:36 AM
Hello everyone. Sorry I did not post back sooner, unfortunately I have not had much time lately to play with my GL2. But I do need to use it this coming weekend so I have to figure some things out. First of all, I am trying to WB using a white piece of card stock. I have also done it on white and off-white walls just to see what would happen. I have tried things out in about 5 different rooms, and still the image looks green and I would almost describe it as looking "cold". In most rooms there are incandescent bulbs, in one room halogen. In a small room I used my 50-watt on camera light only. When I used the first preset, the one that Canon says is for indoor incandescent lighting/studio lighting, the image looked very red. Also I adjusted the color phase and some of the other custom preset settings. I set the color phase almost all the way over to red, yet when I WB'd, it still looked green! :( I'm not sure what I should do.