Marc Salvatore
August 28th, 2009, 01:20 AM
I am trying to load markers into DVD Architect but when I click the "Load Markers" button above the timeline nothing happens. What I mean is that it does not open up a box for me to choose my marker file. Any ideas?
The button is active (not greyed out), I have the timeline selected and when I press the button it graphically goes up and down but nothing happens. I've tried it in Windows 7 and Windows XP without success.
Thanks, Marc
Mike Kujbida
August 28th, 2009, 05:07 AM
The button doesn't open up any box/window, it only loads markers.
Did you check your program timeline to see if the markers did indeed load?
Richard Jones
August 28th, 2009, 05:15 AM
Sorry if I've misunderstood what you're after but if you press M in Vegas it will install a marker on the timeline (which you can name if you like). When the project is rendered and then imported into DVDA the markers will follow automatically to identify chapters which can then be renamed if you wish using the F2 button.
Marc Salvatore
August 28th, 2009, 12:52 PM
Problem solved. Rob explained how it works in the Sony DVD architect forum.
"It's not supposed to. It simply loads the markers-- created in Vegas when you choose the "Save markers with file" option -- associated with that video. Normally, DVDA loads this file automatically. The button is for if DVDA doesn't load it for some reason or if you have gone back into Vegas and created a new marker file.
How did you create the file that you're trying to load? If used the "Save markers with file" render option, markers should load automatically. If you used a script to create markers without rendering, the script should ask you for the name of the video file you're creating the markers for; make sure you enter the exact name of that file including the extension. This is how DVDA confirms that it's loading the right file. And don't bother trying to rename the marker file -- the media's filename is embedded within it.
Richard Jones
August 30th, 2009, 05:33 AM
Presumably your comment about renaming a Marker applies only if you've used a script to transfer the Marker from Vegas to DVDA. I don't use and fortunately haven't had a need for a script for this and the markers I make in Vegas can be renamed at any time before the project is rendered with these Markers then being used in DVDA as necessary (where they most certainly can be renamed using F2).