View Full Version : GL2 Manual settings display

Todd Siechen
October 4th, 2004, 01:06 AM
Hi Guys

I am wondering if I am missing something with the GL2 when I am in shutter or aperature priority - I want to be able to set the aperature and see what the camera is setting the shutter speed to in order to expose correctly. Right now its a mystery and the camera only seems to go down to about 1/60th and no lower. What is the min/max that the camera will set the aperature and shutter speed when you are manually controlling the other side (f/stop or SS)

Im tired of guessing all the time or using purely manual all the time. In some situations I really need to be able to let the camera adjust exposure in one way while I control it in another.

Does this make sense?

Miguel Lombana
October 4th, 2004, 07:48 PM
I've tricked the camera into telling me what it's thinking by switching to Manual in the middle of a break or pause in the action, this usually tells me the last known setup for the camera.

Another option is to use the display mode on playback, roll a few minutes of test footage and then replay it with the display button on and you will see everything the cam was doing during that take.

Not the most elegant way of doing what you want but you will get the result that you need with either solution.
