Julio Laffont
September 28th, 2004, 07:39 PM
Hi everybody. I just bought the Xl2 two days ago. The camera is great in any possible way but when I was reading the manual, I found in the page 124 the warranty that clearly states:
"This limited warranty covers all defects encountered in normal use of the equipment and does not apply in the following cases:
d) If the equipment is used for commercial or industrial use..."..
And the worst is they ask you in the limited warranty for what you gonna use this camera...
What you gonna say?:!!! I spent 5000 dollars to record myself sleeping!?
Christopher Reynolds
September 28th, 2004, 07:57 PM
Hey...it all depends on YOUR definition of "commercial" and "industrial" use. Although, a commercial use for the camera would be like a news camera man using the camera for hours a day, every day. They don't usually supply their own cameras with money from their own pocket. Basically, since it came from your own pocket for YOU to use, it is for personal use. That help ease your worries Julio?
Chris Hurd
September 28th, 2004, 08:52 PM
If it's used in their idea of an "industrial" capacity, it'll be obvious to them when it comes in for service. Simply put, don't beat it up; don't bang it around. Take care of it, and they'll take care of you.
Julio Laffont
September 30th, 2004, 04:33 PM
Hi Guys.. Thank for your answers..I think Chris...You are right...I mean...Maybe it's an exageration what I wrote...Anyway...I will be here again asking about this camera very soon...Thanks again..julio..
Jimmy McKenzie
September 30th, 2004, 05:17 PM
I suppose the bill of sale will dictate the consumer/commercial ownership. If you are a wedding videographer working every weekend and you don't own a transfer deck all the while shooting industrial videos in less than pristine environments during the week, then why would you expect the manufacturer to cover extraordinary wear and tear?
Show me a chev caprice used as a taxi cab that ever had it's brake pads replaced under warranty.