View Full Version : More Slow Motion Questions

Christopher Velasco
September 27th, 2004, 12:46 PM
I did a search on "Slow Motion" and "Smoother Slow Motion" and read a bit on it...
But I'm not quite "getting it" I guess....
I shot some footage using an XL-1 in 60i with the intent on editing in Premeire 6.5 (because I remember reading that shooting it interlaced will later help with slowmo).
I've also read a bit about some plug-ins, including Twixtor...
(which are some major $$$).
With 60i footage, and Premiere at my side, can you recommend some procedures to produce "smoother" slow motion? The footage has no sound... Some of it is rather slow at full speed (People walking) and some of it is faster, (water falling from a rag being squeezed).

Thanks in advance...

Jose di Cani
October 30th, 2004, 06:19 AM
check out the britney super slowmotion video created with a program called ' superslomotion' . check it at the bottom of the post. I download the demo, but it isn't stable,amd you need wquality materual to begin with. But the britney spears example looks just wonderfull. I will post my results later on.