Soni Shan
September 22nd, 2004, 04:38 PM
Even though I know that Automatic Exposure settings in Camcorder (Canon GL2 in my case) would create noise in low light situation, I had to use it reluctantly for some special low light situation. Does anybody have good suggestion, how to reduce this noise in postproduction. I normally use After Effects and Premier. I don't mind using new software or any plugins for these softwares as long as they are affordable by a student.
Ed Smith
September 23rd, 2004, 12:01 PM
Hi Soni,
This topic has appeared a few times before. A quick search gave these results:
Generally speaking it'll be pretty hard to get rid off.
Soni Shan
September 23rd, 2004, 04:55 PM
Thanks Ed.
I think finally I could remove grain quite satisfactorily. Luckily my scene required a little bit dark mood and hence crushing the underexposed area with 'Level' setting and turning it completely back did the trick. I lost the details in dark areas but I did not care.
Moreover, I also used the combination of blur, two layers (top being quite transparent) and brightness to fine tune the results.
However, if I cared for the details in dark areas, I don't know what could I have done? One of the post suggest special 'Contrast' setting in newer version of Premier.