View Full Version : Canon's VL-3 or VL-10Li??

Clint Comer
September 21st, 2004, 02:44 PM
I was wondering if anyone has used either one of these and what you prefer. I have used the VL-10Li before and really like it. But I was just reading about the other one and was wondering if the brightness was similar or if there was a noticable diffrence between the two. For those who are not familiar with these two lights, the VL-3 is smaller and uses the power from the camera without using any wires, the VL-10Li uses the same batteries as the camera. So right away you can see the pros and cons to the two. My biggest concern is the amount of light coming out of the two. Niether of the two show the wattage of the bulbs they use. Thanks.

Robert Mann Z.
September 21st, 2004, 03:07 PM
the vl-10 is a godsend of a light, i love this little light and dare to say since using it and buying another one it rendered all my other on camera lights useless..well almost

the fact it takes canon batts is a + since they are sold everywhere and aftermarkets are cheap

i like that its positioned up high great for interviews, i will also suggest it you get this light buys some diffuser sheets, i use 60% giving me a nice soft light for close shots

negatives are:
no powerlevel indicator
need screwdriver to change light bulb
fixed mount (does not effect me as its useally to underpowered to bounce light)

i highly recommend it...

Evan Fisher
October 5th, 2004, 09:32 PM
How do you attach the diffuser sheets to your VL-10?