View Full Version : XL1s and MSP 6 capture

William Brunk
August 17th, 2002, 09:29 AM
If anyone is using Media Studio Pro 6 perhaps they can help me.
When I try to do a "batch" capture, it seems MSP 6 cannot read the frame code on the XL1s. The camera seems to return to a random spot on the tape (unrelated to the time code numbers I entered into the batch capture) and it starts to capture. MSP 6 works fine with my Sony Digital 8. I am running Windows XP. Thanks in acvance for any suggestions.

Nathan Gifford
August 17th, 2002, 04:31 PM
I thought this thread probably belonged more in the Post Production Forums.

Since you are using XP and ASSUMING your system supports XP you might check to see if the version of MSP is up-to-date for XP. There may also be some drivers at Ulead that may fix you problem.

I guess it is also possible that you have discontinuous time codes and that may be your ultimate problem. If you do, just copying the tape end to end from one camcorder to another will correct the problem.

One tip to avoid discontinuous t/cs is to do both a pre and post roll. This gives you an opportunity if the heads unload to backup or position the heads over a valid t/d (use Record Review).

Hope this helps,