View Full Version : In depth camera settings for video?!?

Ozan Biron
August 26th, 2009, 01:43 AM
The other day I was going threw the camera settings and noticed a few things I didn’t know which settings would be best to leave on for video mode. The manual also doesn’t do justice in explaining things right for dummies at times.

C.Fn I: Exposure

Exposure level increments: 1/3 stop or 1/2 stop?
ISO speed setting increments: 1/3 stop or 1 stop?
ISO expansion: On or Off?

C.Fn II: Image

Long exp. Noise reduction: off, Auto or Not?
High ISO speed noise reduct’n: Standard, Low, Strong or Disable?
Highlight tone priority: Disable or Enable?

Im quessing some of these settings are not ment for video but for only photo?

Geoff Brandon
August 26th, 2009, 01:24 PM
C.Fn I: Exposure... is for how you want the increments for the stops. Personally, I shoot some HDR stuff, so I like my increments for Exposure level at .5 stops instead of 1/3rds.

ISO expansion is if you want to be able to shoot at iso 50 and 6400. If you look at your iso options now, both 50 and 6400 are missing. By enabling ISO expansion, these extras iso settings are added.

C.Fn II: Image

long exp noise reduction on/off. I dont have enough experience to say if this should be enabled or not. If your shooting long exposures (ie, 15 seconds , a minute, etc) in TV mode or Bulb mode, you may want to experiment and see what works better, having the long exp noise option on or off.

I leave highlight tone priority off, its more of a setting to use if you use the CA mode on the camera dial (some may argue this, but thats my opinion)

I believe (but someone out there will correct me hopefully if im wrong) is that some of the settings that do not have any correlation to video are disabled while shooting video. ie, long exposure noise reduction)