Thomas Roberts
August 25th, 2009, 05:04 PM
This is happened to me on a few occasions.
1.Render to DVDA with I Markers Checked
2. When in DVDA the MPEG2 file does not have IMarkers to make scene selections
3. If I re-render, its ok...
4. Is there a way to make I markers in DVDA without any additional rendering.
Help me....
Don Bloom
August 25th, 2009, 07:02 PM
I'm confused. Are you rendering in DVDA OR Vegas?
I've never had an issue in either (99.999% of the time I render in Vegas and bring into DVDA) with scene selection menus. I have never had to check or uncheck I frames.
When you render in Vegas, the render menu gives you certain options and I frames is one of them but I have never and I mean never touched that. No reason too.
A bit more information as to what program you're rendering in and what is actually on the render menu.
Thomas Roberts
August 25th, 2009, 09:35 PM
Hey Don,
I am using Sony Vegas 7 Pro and I render in Vegas. Then open the MPEG2 in DVDA 4. This only happens one in 10 times. It's very annoying when this does happen.
I've done a fair amount of research on seveal other boards regarding this matter. And several persons have suggested to make sure my I markers are checked...
Don Bloom
August 26th, 2009, 04:49 AM
yes the I frame button needs to be checked but I don't think that's the cause of the problem.
In Vegas you need to set the markers where you want them before rendering, then render to MPG and check the box on the render menu "include markers" or something like that. It on the first page when you open the menu 'render as'. When you goto MPG it should be there on the bottom. If that'ss not check the markers will not be there.
When you insert the scene menu in DVDA simply decide how many menu pages you want/need based on the number of chapters you have and that should be it.
I've been using Vegas/DVDA since early version 2 and IIRC that's the way it's always been.
Mike Kujbida
August 26th, 2009, 05:06 AM
Thomas, when the markers don't automatically load, have you tried pressing the Load Markers button?
Thomas Roberts
August 26th, 2009, 06:26 AM
Mike is the "Load Markers Button" In DVDA?
Thomas Roberts
August 26th, 2009, 06:27 AM
yes the I frame button needs to be checked but I don't think that's the cause of the problem.
In Vegas you need to set the markers where you want them before rendering, then render to MPG and check the box on the render menu "include markers" or something like that. It on the first page when you open the menu 'render as'. When you goto MPG it should be there on the bottom. If that'ss not check the markers will not be there.
When you insert the scene menu in DVDA simply decide how many menu pages you want/need based on the number of chapters you have and that should be it.
I've been using Vegas/DVDA since early version 2 and IIRC that's the way it's always been.
Don, This is exactly what I've been doing since Version 3 as well. Thanks~ TR
Mike Kujbida
August 26th, 2009, 07:13 AM
Mike is the "Load Markers Button" In DVDA?
Yes it is.
It's down in the timeline area and should be just above the Timecode display window.
There's also a free script on the VASST site called DVDA chapter from Vegas marker ( that I've used periodically when I run into situations like yours.
It generates an *.sfl file from Vegas timeline markers, which can then be imported into DVDA as chapter points.