View Full Version : Holding on Last Frame in Clip
Rick Thornquist August 25th, 2009, 04:48 PM This has to be easy, but I just can't figure it out!
I have a clip that fades out at the end. The problem is, I have content that I want visible that's during the fade.
I can't extend the clip because there are no frames left. I can't shorten the fade because if I did, it would be pretty much a cut (which I don't want).
I thought that there must be some way to repeat the last frame of the clip. That way, I could move the start of the fade forward and keep the content. The last few frames of the fade would be repeated, but who cares as it's pretty much black anyway.
Premiere won't let me extend the clip (I figured it would let me do this and then repeat the last frame, but no). I can't just make a snapshot of the final frame and add it onto the end because it won't be part of the transition.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
- Rick
Shawn McCalip August 25th, 2009, 05:39 PM Make a cut with your razor tool and shave off the last frame you want to freeze on. Next, right click that new little clip you just made, and select Frame Hold. Choose Hold on In Point, and click OK. Now, you should be able to extend the right side/ end of that clip without running into that problem you were describing. Hope this helps!
Harm Millaard August 25th, 2009, 06:39 PM Or just insert a still from the last frame into the time line for the duration you want.
Rick Thornquist August 25th, 2009, 07:10 PM I tried Shawn's suggestion, but it won't let me extend the right side. Even if it would let me extend the right side, the new clip won't be part of the transition.
The same would be true for Harm's suggestion. I need the held part to be part of the transition.
Adam Gold August 25th, 2009, 08:45 PM ... the new clip won't be part of the transition...Right. So here's another way to do it: Drag two instances of the clip to the timeline, one right next to the other. On the second one, choose Hold on Out Point. Adjust the second clip to the length you want -- probably exact length of the transition, but it doesn't have to be -- by sliding the left side, then snug the clip up to the first one and apply the transition to the second.
The frame won't freeze during the transition, but the transition will start at the same frame the freeze begins (assuming you made them the same length).
Or, another way: do it just as Shawn suggested, but don't apply the transition. Just cut it the way you want and pretend the transition is there. Then, on the track above the two shots, put a Black Frame and stretch to the length you want the transition to be. Then place a keyframe at the beginning and end of the Black Frame and set the opacity at zero at the left side and 100% on the right. The black will slowly take over the track below no matter where the cut is. All assuming you want the transition to be a fade to black.
By the way, this is why we put "handles" of up to 150 frames on every clip we capture, to avoid this problem.
Rick Thornquist August 25th, 2009, 09:11 PM Great ideas, Adam! I'll give them a try. Thanks!
- Rick
Ray Bell August 27th, 2009, 07:08 PM Ok, I think I have this right.... (this is all on the timeline)
before you place the transition... take the razor and cut where the frame is that you want to extend/hold....
Now select the cut and right click, select "speed/duration" and there you can slide the duration timer to any value you want... make the duration longer than what you need,
then place the transition between the cut... now adjust the transition time/position.
Now go to the end of the footage with the mouse cursor, you should see the time
slider, adjust the hold time by sliding it to the left.. remember I suggested you make the
duration longer than you need... so now you can shorten the hold time to what you need.
Rick Thornquist August 28th, 2009, 08:22 AM Ray -
Another interesting idea. Thanks!
- Rick
Tripp Woelfel August 29th, 2009, 06:33 AM Easy, peasy. I think everyone's suggestions will work but the way that works most simply for me is this:
1. Cut the video clip at the last frame
2. Slide the clip to the right the amount you want the frame hold to be - If you want it 5 seconds long, move it 5 seconds to the right
3. Right click the lone frame and select frame hold "on out point"
4. Grab the left side of the single frame and stretch it back to the previous clip so that the held frame clip is your desired length
It's a little counter-intuitive but it works every time, and I do this a lot.
Howard Churgin August 30th, 2009, 04:52 AM Here's another try:
Copy the clips with the transition to a new sequence and render it out.Export it out under file menu to a lossless format that you use. (QT Animation etc.) them when you place it back in the original timeline you can do a frame hold or a snapshot and it will have the transition as part of the frame.