View Full Version : Clip Wrap breaks MT2 files up into 21min segments?

Dave Mungai
August 25th, 2009, 04:20 PM
If this has been posted and addressed in a prior thread I apologize. I couldn't find it.

When recording continuously to the CF card for long period's of time, then using ClipWrap to ingest the file, the M2T files are broken up into 21:42:12 length clips. - AND - there are lost frames between the clips. Has anyone experienced this?

When importing the same footage through FCP Log & Transfer the file comes in all together in one clip as you would expect.

I don't typically record in segments longer than 21min so I never noticed this issue before. I confirmed with an colleague that also uses Clipwrap that he has the same issue.

Other than this issue, I actually prefer Clip Wrap over the log & transfer process. I was just wondering if anyone else has seen this issue.


-Dave Mungai

Bruce G. Cleveland
August 27th, 2009, 04:42 AM
Actually they are already broken up. Check the card and you will find that no clips are longer than 21 minutes. So clipwrap is just taking each clip off the card. I just discovered this myself.


Dave Mungai
August 30th, 2009, 07:07 AM
Actually they are already broken up. Check the card and you will find that no clips are longer than 21 minutes. So clipwrap is just taking each clip off the card. I just discovered this myself.


Thanks Jerry. I did notice that however, when I use the Log and Transfer function in FCP the clips are combined into one clip as they were shot - no lost frames. There is an IDX file on the card which I assume is some kind of index file. Could it be that ClipWrap is not able to read that file and determine all clips are one take?



Bruce G. Cleveland
August 30th, 2009, 09:31 AM
clipwrap doesn't put the clips together and log and transfer with fcp does. Annoying.


Michael Liebergot
August 31st, 2009, 01:29 PM
clipwrap doesn't put the clips together and log and transfer with fcp does. Annoying.

ClipWrap is supposed to be able to perform seamless clip joining though.
I haven't had any luck so far, but that might have been due to the fact that I wasn't shooting in cache mode on the MRC1K.

This is on the Clipwrap site:
Automatically recombines spanned files

If your direct to disk recorder splits files every 4GB, ClipWrap automatically detects these spanned clips and will recombine them into a single seamless QuickTime movie.

So the programs supposed to detect these breaks, but for some reason it's not.

William Hohauser
September 8th, 2009, 08:27 AM
It works flawlessly with split M2T files from my direct to disk recorder which is a FireStore hard drive. However your problem might be due to a difference in file formats in CF cards or the AVCHD codec. They are probably working on it right now.

Mike Woodworth
September 8th, 2009, 11:08 AM
This is a known issue for ClipWrap. The sony recorder places 2gb split files in multiple folders and writes out a file which acts as a table of contents. FCP reads this file to know how to recombine them. We don't have any documents on this TOC, so we will need to reverse engineer things to make it work. In the meantime...

ClipWrap can recombine files from the sony recorder, but you'll have to do some reordering / renaming of the files to get things to work.

If ClipWrap sees 2+ files in the same folder with randomfilename00.m2t , randomfilename01.m2t ... randomfilename0n.m2t , it will automatically join them. So to make it join your files, pick the name you want the output .mov to be... rename all the files to thatname00.m2t ... thatname02.m2t ... etc and put them all in the same folder. This way it will be sure to join them so you dont lose those frames in between.

I hope that makes sense.

Mike Woodworth

Dave Mungai
September 13th, 2009, 03:43 PM
This is a known issue for ClipWrap. The sony recorder places 2gb split files in multiple folders and writes out a file which acts as a table of contents. FCP reads this file to know how to recombine them. We don't have any documents on this TOC, so we will need to reverse engineer things to make it work. In the meantime...

ClipWrap can recombine files from the sony recorder, but you'll have to do some reordering / renaming of the files to get things to work.

If ClipWrap sees 2+ files in the same folder with randomfilename00.m2t , randomfilename01.m2t ... randomfilename0n.m2t , it will automatically join them. So to make it join your files, pick the name you want the output .mov to be... rename all the files to thatname00.m2t ... thatname02.m2t ... etc and put them all in the same folder. This way it will be sure to join them so you dont lose those frames in between.

I hope that makes sense.

Mike Woodworth

Thanks Mike. I'll test this out. Let us know when you've got the issue reverse engineered and included in the product.

