View Full Version : Mixing two different cameras: DVX100b & XL1

Karen Nedivi
August 25th, 2009, 11:56 AM
I am shooting a wedding this Saturday with two cameras, the DVX 100b and the XL1. I own the DVX100b and always use the 24p mode. Since I am editing the footage together, should I use the 30p mode or is there a way to shoot 24p and edit in 29.97. What is the best way without creating any complications in post? What will look the best?
As of now, I am planning on shooting the DVX in Scene Mode on 30p and shooting the XL1 in frame mode at 30.
Appreciate any advice on the best way to match these cameras.

(A side question: Should I avoid using gain on either camera and set up lights at the reception)

Matthew Craggs
August 25th, 2009, 12:02 PM
(A side question: Should I avoid using gain on either camera and set up lights at the reception)

I can't speak as to matching those two cameras specifically, but I can say with great confidence that you should set up lights if you have them. I would even go so far as to borrow some if you do not have your own and know a friend that won't be using theirs. Why would you choose to up the Gain if you didn't have to?

Stephen J. Williams
August 25th, 2009, 01:16 PM
I've been playing around with a similar idea. I own the DVX100B and a JVC HD 200U

Since you record on F5 (24p) it's actually embedded on the tape at 29.97
I dont know much about the XL1... But I used to own a GL2 with frame record and it wasn't progressive. I think your going to have a hard time matching 30p with frame mode.

I think the safest thing to do is shoot in 60i on both cameras.


Karen Nedivi
August 25th, 2009, 06:04 PM
I am not so familiar with the Xl1, but I think it has a progressive option.
Is there anything else I can do other than 60i?

Karen Nedivi
August 25th, 2009, 08:03 PM
I was wrong. The XL1 does not shoot progressive but shoots at 30 frames and the DVX shoots at 30p. Does that work? If not, I will just shoot 60i.

In reply to lighting. I will use lighting, but how does that work when you can't light the whole place? Would you set up 2 lights and move them around, or just pick the best place to set them up (dancefloor, bride and groom)?