View Full Version : Why are prices dropping?

Matthew Smith
September 14th, 2004, 06:35 PM
I admittedly don't know a whole lot about the the GY-HD10U, but what initially attracted me to the camera was how inexpensive it has now become to acquire one (sub $2K).

Have there been any major issues with this camera that justify this drastic depreciation?

The camera will be primarly used for acquisitition of video-for-web, and as it's looking now, this appears to to be my best option in this price range.

Thanks for any input.

Matthew Smith

Murad Toor
September 14th, 2004, 09:22 PM
There haven't been any major issues with the camera that were only recently discovered. Everyone knew its strengths and weaknesses from the outset.

The only drastic thing to have happened is Sony announcing its 3-chip HDV camera at $3700 list, to arrive in the US in November. I'd say it's a safe bet that some people here who may have been waiting for JVC's upcoming (supposedly ~ $20k) 3-chip HDV camera might just be tempted by the Sony. Besides that group, HDV fence-sitters have likely shifted their sights to the new Sony.

If only the Sony did 720p (it's 1080i from sub-1920x1080 chips).

Anyhow I would like to recommend a standard-definition camcorder for your purposes. The GY-DV300REM would suit you perfectly.

Or, of course its sister camera, the GY-DV300u.

Otherwise a couple other good ones to research are the Panasonic GS400 and DVX100A. I know these four cameras are all over the price spectrum but I think each of them is the best for the money compared to its respective competition.

Anhar Miah
September 15th, 2004, 09:22 AM
Video for Web, WHAT? you could use just about anything for that. It depends on the final ouput size for the web distrub..
You could even use an old analogue Hi8/8 even vhs-c for that matter.

Heath McKnight
September 15th, 2004, 09:42 AM
You can shoot in DV with the HD1 and HD10, plus mpeg-2ts SD mode, as well.
