View Full Version : seemingly free HD stock footage?

Robert Engelmann
September 14th, 2004, 04:00 PM
I found this page of seemingly free stock footage, but I can't read Japanese. It says "Free photo/picture/movie data" across the top and has "Victor GR-HD1" in the title. So I'm guessing that's the camera it came from.

It looks like nature shots all around Japan.

I'm downloading a clip now to see how it is.

Cheers -Robert

Christopher C. Murphy
September 14th, 2004, 05:20 PM
......and what would that address be now robert?

Robert Engelmann
September 14th, 2004, 05:24 PM
...wouldn't it?

The address is:

I downloaded a couple of the clips. One of birch trees. The purple and green fringing around the detailed twigs was a little painful on that one. The other was some flowers. Looks like it's tough to keep highlights from blowing out on this camera.


Christopher C. Murphy
September 14th, 2004, 05:27 PM
Thanks man. :)


Looks cool, but it's kind of hard to see if it's truly free. Also, it's MPG files and that tells me they encoded it. If they didn't know what they were doing then its probably junk footage.

Also, speaking of "stock footage" - I bought some "HD" stock footage from Ebay. It was DEFINATELY shot on the HD10u. Most of the footage would be ok, except the moron who encoded it for the data CD's used VBR and a MPS. The footage is really bad and non-useable because of the encoding. I blew almost $200 on the deal...if anyone wants the footage I'll FTP it to them free. It's maybe useful to some, but just not me...I wanted higest bit rate and no artifacts. It's 9 CD's worth of clips.
