Will Abele
September 12th, 2004, 02:08 PM
I have searched and found plenty of options for what lights to use, but very little about where to put them. I am completely new to lighting. I am on a very tight budget. I am not sure exactly how much I can spend though. Fluorescent looks like it may be a good option, because I usually do not use sound. Can someone take a picture of their green screen and post it along with an explanation or draw a diagram? A good explanation would be good also if that is too much trouble.
Will Abele
September 12th, 2004, 03:31 PM
Also, model numbers or links would help. I am completely new to this, and I don't understand much of what is on this board.
Rob Lohman
September 14th, 2004, 05:52 AM
I would go through our "Read About It" forum to find some books
on the subject. I seem to remember there were some recommendations
in there for certain books.
Jim Quinlan
September 14th, 2004, 11:02 AM
I use 3 jtl softbox units to light my green screen setup. The trick is to light the background as evenly as possible and minimize the shadows. It takes a lot of experimentation and tweaking.
Two of my lights are off to each side of the screen directly or indirectly bouncing light to luminate the green screen. The third light I've modified with a dimmer and I have that in the middle to light the talent. This seems to work very well with me.
Here's an example of a green screen shot I just finished. http://www.magoomedia.com/media/cosmos.wmv
Too much light is bad because you'll end up with spill which is green light bouncing back to the camera and creating a green edge around the talent.
I've never used flos but know a lot of people who like them for green screen lighting.
Jacques Mersereau
September 17th, 2004, 11:22 AM
If you are on a "very tight budget" you might not want to even attempt it IMO
depending on what level you are looking to accomplish.
Talking heads are less difficult to screen than a full body that's moving around.
Softboxes and/or fluorescents are the way to go to light
the screen, but will add up to hundreds
if not thousands of dollars depending on the size of the screen.
The least expensive way that *might* give acceptable results would
be to use a bunch of work lights and either gel them with diffusion or
use sand paper to "frost" the glass. I'd hang them from a metal pipe
(grid overhead) and have them focused on the screen and floor behind
the talent. For the talent I'd used two soft boxes as frontal light and
a fresnel gelled with Lee-103 as the back light.
Be aware that work lights get
VERY HOT and some are not built for running a long time. The heat
they produce can make a small room hot before you know it.
Richard Veil
October 4th, 2004, 08:43 PM
Depending on the size of the green screen you put them on 45 degree angles.
Lightbanks can be good for subject mixed with the
FL lights.
You just need to light evenly. so if your green is real big you will need at least four light.... maybe two big 4 bulb units.
look at kino.
Strength and honor
<<<-- Originally posted by Will Abele : I have searched and found plenty of options for what lights to use, but very little about where to put them. I am completely new to lighting. I am on a very tight budget. I am not sure exactly how much I can spend though. Fluorescent looks like it may be a good option, because I usually do not use sound. Can someone take a picture of their green screen and post it along with an explanation or draw a diagram? A good explanation would be good also if that is too much trouble.
Will -->>>