View Full Version : footage frustration on 56k slow lane

Dejitaru Tenshi
September 10th, 2004, 04:57 AM
Hi guys sorry to have to be a possible pain in the butt, but, I am not on the fastest of connections, i get at best 36k, today is the countries day off so god knows how low it is now, want to get broud band but it aint cheep.

Anyway, on this Uk magazine website a review was done with a test version of the Pal XL2 by a reputed TV and Film worker. He had some 16:9 images on the site that gave me a nice insight as to the canons capabilities.

Anyway, i was wondering if, because there is no chance of me downloading a 36meg video, could you be so kind as to post some either downloadable or just web site viewable good enough quality images, stilles, from the imported dv footage or stills from teh footage you have uploaded. I dont have to see stuff move, it would give me a good idea of quality. Downloadable files would be fine, and would probably allow me to view better quality images. Aroound 1 meg size would be nice.

Anyway i dont think Im asking to much, but if you could make stills available, for me, and perhaps other slow service users that would be fantastic, also if you have a DVX it would be a great chance to compare shots. I have seen shots compared and u do notice differences. However im stil not realy stuck on Canon or Panasonic issue so much now, as the canon offers the user allot more, and it is a verry well built piece of kit

Please show me what it can do, just a few nice pics is all i ask, from any of you guys posting footage.

Thx allot, hope you can help,

"Help me XL2 owners,, ur my only hope"

Barry Goyette
September 10th, 2004, 09:01 AM

here are a few things I posted last week...more will be coming today.. so stay tuned.


Dejitaru Tenshi
September 10th, 2004, 09:15 AM
thx Barry, ive seen em but forgot where i did. Yeah XL2 i think comes in a lil darker, but the colours are smoother on the wall, more so than DVX, verry freaky dolls man, shiiiver.

I have an idea, wenever anyone adds pics to their sites, from XL2 and or DVX, post the links here

I think i could rename the thread as XL2 photo resource or something, make it allot easier fo people who just want pics to check em out

thx again barry, keep em commin