View Full Version : XL2 My First Experiences/Impressions

Alexis Vazquez
September 9th, 2004, 01:51 PM
This part is for fun... can laugh....if u want.

First> It took me almost half an hour to assemble it... nothing wrong, Its that I was so nervious I took it sloooooowly...

Second> I didn't noticed that second level of the inside of the box
and "HEY where are the rest of the accesories....." this is the part when you feel your blood boiling... and then "Oh here it is.... this piece of...carton maaaaan...pheiuuu

Third> Do you know that unique feeling when you have your new baby born and can't stop looking at him: his eyes, touching the little toes and all that, Well I'm spending my time wachting those little buttons, that cute mini lcd, ohh and the lens isn't it cute....?

Forth> Ok I turn it on and ....
Have you seen that Direct TV spot were they compares the words GREAT and WOW, well its like a mega fusion of both terms....

Fifth> Comparing it with the XL1...Now I do need to go to the GYM.

Sixth> I'm now about to have fun with it and stop this.

The serious part

It looks a lot more better than the XL1s wich I also own...thats enough for me. I'm glad.

Barry Goyette
September 9th, 2004, 02:25 PM

I had the same experience with the box.....where's the microphone!?! I think we should move this to the top of the forum as a PSA, so noone has a heart attack before they get to use their new toy

any way...have fun.
