View Full Version : Rescue Me

Hugh DiMauro
September 9th, 2004, 06:32 AM
As you all know by now, Denis Leary and Peter Tolan have once again created another television masterpiece called "Rescue Me", Wednesday nights, 10:00 pm on FX. Their other collaboration was called "The Job" which had been unrighteously and unceremoniously cancelled. Anyway, as you also know by now, Sony Pictures Television agreed to produce "Rescue Me" if the DP used Sony FW 900 HD Cine Alta cameras. Well, I'm here to tell ya, the images are fabulous, especially on a Sony Wega widescreen TV. The writing is hilarious and true to life. Case in point: Last night's episode (9/8/04) dealt with a penis length and girth contest between all the guys in the firehouse ("I have six inches and a tich." "What's a tich?" "About this much extra.") I laughed so hard I torqued my body off the couch and rolled around the carpet in spasms. I've been a cop since 1985 (not counting the the Marines in 1981)and that is exactly how men in tough, dangerous, thankless jobs behave amongst each other.

Now, since Rick Bravo (Inner Circle with over 300 posts, big deal!) fancies himself an unofficial moderator of this website and only lives for constantly checking my posts and stirring up controversy, I must say, in his honor, that last night's episode of "Rescue Me" holds special meaning to him. He didn't get the nickname "Big Wong" for nothing.

Also in his honor, I might add, he is one of the most unbragging, understated talents in his field. He's probably going to flame me for this but I will brag for him: Besides being a former 1st assistant camera operator on Miami Vice and scores of other big time projects, he is the legacy of probably one of the best camera operators in the business. When you get a chance, go to IMDB.COM and punch in Rick Bravo and see for yourself. Rick's pop was Owen Roizman's right hand man on all of the best movies of the 1970s.

Sorry Rick. Had to do it. Let's see how long it takes for me to get the phone call from you.

In any case, this thread's purpose was to plug "Rescue Me". Fabulous show.

Joe Carney
September 9th, 2004, 09:07 AM
this is great TV. Watch it before the Fascists (I mean Family groups) try to get it off the air. Right up there with Nip/Tuck on FX.
You'll come for the beautiful women and stay for the great writing and acting.

Hugh DiMauro
September 9th, 2004, 10:08 AM
Can't forget The Shield.

Rick Bravo
September 9th, 2004, 08:44 PM
Thanks for all the kind words Hugh. (Check's in the mail!)

I thank you and I know my Dad thanks you, wherever he is!

I love "Rescue Me", and us Po-leece types aren't suppose to like the fire pukes, go figger.

You nailed it on high-risk occupational behavior. The humor that is exhibited is the darkest of all humor. Taken out of context, I can see how it would really freak people out, but when experienced from the inside, your realize that it is really the only way to protect yourself from the stress and sometimes horrors of the job.

If I were to make a movie based on the things that "really" happen on a day-to-day basis in my line of work, no one would believe it.

"Rescue Me" does a great job showing the vulnerability of people faced with a very dangerous and sometimes thankless job.

I also love "The Shield" although I must admit that it makes me squirm to think that I am rooting for cops who are actually worse than the scumbags they are supposed to be busting.

The show has it all, great pacing, dialog, acting and that documentary feel afforded by the camera work. Can't wait for the new season.

I won't flame you here...I'll save that for a phone call!

Wish us luck with our pal IVAN!


Chris Hurd
September 9th, 2004, 08:57 PM
Ha ha, priceless. Who says we don't have a sense of humor here at DV Info.

I too am a big fan of the show. Denis Leary is in my opinion highly underrated. "Rescue Me" is a great vehicle for him to display his real talent, and the writing on that show is nothing less than superb. I'll definitely want the first season on DVD. Hope there's more to come.

Hugh DiMauro
September 10th, 2004, 08:18 AM
I'm trying to sound like such an an expert now (but in reality, I watched the "behind-the-scenes-featurette" to "The Shield - Second Season". Big smart tough guy, I am). The show's creator (Sean Ryan) wanted a documentary feel to "The Shield" and intentionally shot and will (allegedly) continue to shoot handheld 16 millimeter (Yes! That's correct! The show uses 16 millimeter cameras). The internet also mentioned that "The Shield" chose16 millimeter for budgetary reasons. Also, since the cameras move around so much, the 1st assistant camera people use wireless follow focus devices. The coolest thing I ever saw! The 1st AC holds this little antennae'd remote (which resembles a TV remote) that has a large, knurled dial on it's face. She turns the dial and the lens barrel turns! I almost peed my pants with glee when I saw that! Other neat factoids are:

- The actors get to block their own scenes and the camera people have to, on the spot, figure out the best way to catch the action.

- A few of their better shots and situations are by accident and spur of the moment.

Now, let's see how sharp you "Shield" lovers really are: Did anyone notice the few HD 24p scenes they snuck in during the second and third seasons?

Chris Hurd
August 17th, 2005, 07:26 AM
So who is following the second season of "Rescue Me" -- what a roller coaster. Tommy on goof balls! What next? The writing is just as good, if not better, than the first season.

Rick Bravo
August 17th, 2005, 07:33 AM
My wife, oldest daughter and I have not laughed as hard or as loud as we did last night watching the show.

The writing is amazing and the timing impeccable!

Leary is a genius and the awards snub just goes to show that many of the awards shows have nothing to do with quality as much as politics!

RB :)

Hugh DiMauro
August 17th, 2005, 09:04 AM
It's not just Leary. It's his pal Peter Tolan as well. They were the geniuses behind that short lived masterpiece "The Job". By the way, Charles Durning is looking a bit better in last night's episode (08/16/05). In the first few episodes of season 2, he looked a bit under the weather. By the way, I saw Charles Durning in a Broadway play two years ago and let me tell you, his performance mezmerized me. I am a biiiiiig Broadway play goer and I have seen Paul Newman, Ed Harris, Ian McKellen (sp) and others in plays and Durning blew them all out of the water. I mean, when he performs on stage he makes it look effortless.

Bravo, I got your message and will call you today. I have been busy as all hell for the past week.

Chris Hurd
August 30th, 2005, 09:23 PM
Did y'all catch this week's episode?

"Hey Tommy, all these cars belong to cops! Let's trash 'em!"

Creepy. What a haunted, tortured, wretched soul is Gavin.