August 12th, 2002, 08:29 PM
I have been trying to use the XL1s for low light shooting in several dynamic "event" environments (wedding ceremonies, wedding receptions, graduation ceremonies, indoor celeb interviews with no artificial light, etc.) and could use some advice.
I know that many of you are able to walk into a low light setting and churn magic from the XL1 and I could use a few words on the matter.
FYI...I just ordered the 3x wide angle and the 1.6x adapter, so my aresenal of stock (non EOS) Canon lenses and adapters is complete for the moment.
Any tips would be helpful...
I know that many of you are able to walk into a low light setting and churn magic from the XL1 and I could use a few words on the matter.
FYI...I just ordered the 3x wide angle and the 1.6x adapter, so my aresenal of stock (non EOS) Canon lenses and adapters is complete for the moment.
Any tips would be helpful...