View Full Version : Official Press Releases from Sony for HDR-FX1

Christopher C. Murphy
September 7th, 2004, 07:31 AM
Official Press Release about the camera:

Official Press Release about the supporting companies:


Christopher C. Murphy
September 7th, 2004, 07:36 AM
That's weird, I saw on another site that the LUX rating was 3. The official Sony press release has LUX 6? Anyone know what the deal is with that?


Boyd Ostroff
September 7th, 2004, 08:19 AM
Note the asterisk that says "measured in the Japanese system." That probably has something to do with the contradiction...

Christopher C. Murphy
September 7th, 2004, 04:00 PM
Oh, ok....I really hope it's 3 LUX.
