View Full Version : Analog Nagra recording for DV

Dean Bull
September 7th, 2004, 01:09 AM
Hey, I was pounding around my schools check-out and they have a bunch of Nagra IV tape-to-tape decks. Since we have mostly moved on to marantz and DAT's these are unused but I know most audio guys swear by the sound of good analog equipment.

I was thinking about experimenting with shooting some DV "film-style" recording the audio performance with the nagra and digitizing the tape and syncing the dailies in post.

To all you sound guys on the board, whats your thoughts on analog audio?

Rob Lohman
September 7th, 2004, 05:27 AM
I'm not an audio guy, but I am wondering why you are considering
this (not saying it isn't a good thing)? Why would you go down
that road? Quality?

Dean Bull
September 7th, 2004, 12:42 PM
RIght now I have the technical support to take the nagra tape and transfer it to DAT or directly into pro-tools so using the equipment isn't a major problem in my post production chain - AND - The sound from the nagra has a completely different characteristic than a DAT.

Oleg Kaizerman
September 7th, 2004, 01:14 PM
just a qwestion -what ara you shooting
there are some benefits for analog distortion on uncontroleble and extrim situations ( gun shotes , motorsycle passing , actors who change mood without say any thing to thr crew) -and that is about all benefit for nagra
left it 10 years back with out looking ones over the shoulder , good preamp , good limitter and dat ( i run hhb) would make your life easier