View Full Version : movietube ??

Kurth Bousman
September 5th, 2004, 08:47 PM
Anyone know what's happening ?

Rob Lohman
September 6th, 2004, 01:49 AM
I haven't heard anything since the threads below stopped:

Kurth Bousman
September 6th, 2004, 03:32 PM
thanks Rob - I hadn't seen the thread that mentions the price - wow- with 15 grand I'd buy and Aaton !

Juan M. M. Fiebelkorn
September 7th, 2004, 11:22 AM
I guess an Aaton costs a little more....... ;)

Kurth Bousman
September 7th, 2004, 01:16 PM
Juan - that's exactly what an A minima cost- 15 grand and you can use nikon mount lenses or PL mount! Or I've seen at least a dozen s16 full size Aatons on ebay go for less than 6 grand or for that matter another dozen s16 eclairs that went for around 3 grand. Movietube , for 15 grand , is dead in the water- as far as I'm concerned.

Charles Papert
September 7th, 2004, 01:52 PM
I think Movietube is coming into the game a little late, but the notion of a high-end 1/3" film lens relay is a decent idea considering where that format is going (i.e. towards HD). The question of future compatibility with different cameras is relevant however.

Compared to the Mini35 at $10,000, if the image is at least as good, the loaded version of Movietube at $15,000 is adding some useful components for high-end production. By this I mean integration into a film-style workflow, which is generally based around camera equipment rentals than ownership, and thus the purchase price is not as relevant. I have begun modifying my Mini35 to interface with film production accessories more tightly, some of which is seen with the Movietube.

As far as shooting film vs DV, it's an unfair comparison. Certainly one can buy 16mm cameras for less than $15K (but note that you will not realize the shallow DoF of the DV setup!), but the operating costs are obviously not comparable. After your first feature you will have spent all of the difference in cost on film, processing and telecine.

For projection, Super 16mm is far superior than any DV camera, with or without a 35mm optic involved. And given the preference, I would also shoot film rather than DV purely for the image quality.

Brett Erskine
September 7th, 2004, 07:13 PM
Hey Charles-
What kind of mods are you doing to your Mini35? How are they like the Movie Tube?

-Brett Erskine

Charles Papert
September 7th, 2004, 08:23 PM
Hey Brett!

The mods are really more add-ons; I'm keeping the structure of the Mini35 intact for compatability and rentals.

I have had an Anton Bauer mount built that replaces the existing battery holder (a quick 2-screw changeover). A box is being built that will fit between the mount and the battery in a similar fashion to the Firestore FS-3; this box will regulate and distribute power to various components (12v for accessories such as onboard monitor, zoom control, transmitter etc, plus 7.2v stepdown for the camera and Mini35 motor) and multiple video outputs via a video distribution amplifier circuit. In addition, I have had an improved mount made up front for the FU-1000 viewfinder which will work with either the Canon XL series OR, via another breakout box, the DVX100a. This is great because it provides a high-res image for judging critical focus, and in the case of the DVX, proper handheld balance (most folks are using an onboard monitor for this, which is problematic in bright sun).

Once all is said and done, I will be able to power the camera, the viewfinder, the Mini35 and any accessories off the one Anton Bauer (planning on using the Dionic 90's, which should run the whole shooting match for a full day per battery), and I will be able to shoot true film style with the appropriate accessories. The cool thing is that due to the modular nature of the breakout boxes, I can deliver different versions for different uses. Already got a stock Mini35, but want to use the DVX100a with the FU1000 viewfinder? The viewfinder box will take the power cable from the Mini35 motor, and then power both the viewfinder and the motor (video comes directly from either the s-video or the RCA on the camera, whichever one you aren't using for a monitor). No need to modify your Mini35, or use a different battery. The full-blown version is going to be really killer though.

I'll be posting pictures once all of the stuff is built and finished. It's a lengthy process but I think it will be more than worth it.

Brett Erskine
September 8th, 2004, 12:22 AM

Sounds incredible! Hey I'd love to meet up again and check it out. I als want to get the chance to shoot some rez charts with both the Mini35 and the medium format version of the mini35 I made. I have to know if all my efforts in making it run with a larger target area really improves the clarity.


Dietmar Zonewicz
September 12th, 2004, 01:59 AM
sorry for not posting frame grabs and test footage. The tests we did with the movietube were everything but not good.
Some guys in our area say that movietube will never reach production. The prototype adapter the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany has will be given back - it is too expensive and still has too many unsolved problems.


Imran Zaidi
September 12th, 2004, 11:28 AM
I got an email from movietube a few days ago promoting that they are going to be taking it to CINEC 2004 in Munich from 9/18 to 9/20. Anyone going to that?

Dietmar Zonewicz
September 28th, 2004, 11:09 AM
have a look at the p+s technik area, I posted some interesting news.
