August 12th, 2002, 10:59 AM
I'm wondering if an anamorphic lens is necessary for the xl1s or if the 16x9 mode does the same thing electronically.
Also, do any of you have any recommendations where i can find a wide angle adapter for a good price.
August 12th, 2002, 11:10 AM
No it's not the same. When the XL1s does it electronically it basically applies a squeeze to the video electronically and you lose resolution. The lens on the other hand does it optically and retains the original resolution. Lens' are the best way to go.
Ram Nagarajan
August 12th, 2002, 09:46 PM
Hi, while on the subject of anamorphic on the XL1S:
How does this actually work out? I mean, I'm used to the film concept, where the squeezed (sic) image is unsqueezed by a reverse anamorphic at projection time. But once I've shot anamorphic on the XL1S, what settings do I have to do on the NLE to edit? (how do I unsqueeze the image on the system, in say FCP 3?)
Also, when I print to tape, how does the image work out? Does it give a letterboxed image on tape? 9In which case, doesn't using a lesser number of TV lines end up lowering resolution?)
Ken Tanaka
August 12th, 2002, 10:18 PM
Adam Wilt has a good, concise discussion on the subject at:
August 14th, 2002, 08:04 PM
Does anyone know what the outer diameter is of the Optex anamorphic attachement.
Need to know this, as I'm ordering a matte-box.