View Full Version : Near miss on getting equipment stolen. (need insurance tips!)

Christopher C. Murphy
September 2nd, 2004, 01:17 PM
Hello DVI'ers,

Just wanted to relate a "near miss" on getting all my gear stolen today. I was shooting a performance at the Mass Art College in Boston, and someone went into the backstage area and took a bunch of bags into the back bathroom and ripped off the actual actors. At this point, from what I heard only 1 actor got something expensive stolen...a brand new cell phone. (said it was worth a $100-200) So, that really sucks.

Anyway, I unpacked my gear and was thinking "I really don't want to leave my bags and accessories here". I put them in the back rows of the performance auditorium where someone I know was going to watch from during the performance. Afterwards, I found out about the bags getting rummaged through backstage. I almost had my stuff ripped, the moral of the story is WATCH YOUR GEAR.

I think that I'm going to get insurance for my gear after what happened today. Anyone have any tips?


Keith Loh
September 2nd, 2004, 01:22 PM
Luck on your side that day!

Lots of threads about that, Christopher.

You can get a rider on your home insurance.

Or you can get photographer's insurance.

Both can give you 3rd party liability too which is important.

John Hudson
September 2nd, 2004, 04:38 PM
Thats the luck of the IRISH right there. ;' ) Whew.

No advice other than to get ASAP. I do not use my gear for WORK but for my HOBBY/DREAM and I have put off getting it. Your story only serves to remind me to get my arse in gear.

Dustin Waits
September 3rd, 2004, 12:35 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by John Hudson : Thats the luck of the IRISH right there. ;' ) Whew.

No advice other than to get ASAP. I do not use my gear for WORK but for my HOBBY/DREAM and I have put off getting it. Your story only serves to remind me to get my arse in gear. -->>>

Very true. I'm often in the worste part of town when shooting my BMX videos. Theres been a few instances where someone tried to rob me. Lucky me I got away.

Are you from Ireland? Just guessing since you capitolized Irish and said "arse" = ] . I'm planning a trip there next summer. My girlfriend says I'm obsessed with the place.

Christopher C. Murphy
September 3rd, 2004, 12:51 PM
Yeah, I'm going to talk with my insurance company for my house. I've also got a home studio to worry about now, but I do have security and a 24/7 survaillance video running and recording everything. They'll probably give me bonus points for that...I hope.


Yi Fong Yu
September 7th, 2004, 06:37 PM
another thing is to 'beef up the crew' if possible. utilize the bags in your scene if possible. just fyi =).