Damon Rush
September 1st, 2004, 04:26 PM
What's a proper procedure for looping vocals. I have a recording studio setup - protools, mackie d8b, blue mic, Etc...what would be the proper way of looping audio to DV video. Do I just display the video to a monitor, sync up TC and then record to protools as usual? Insight is greatly need, I need to loop some audio ASAP......Thanks, the guys in this forum know everything...
Rob Lohman
September 2nd, 2004, 05:30 AM
If you need it fast do whatever gets the job done fast. It
shouldn't be too hard to sync up if you know it will be off by a
few frames etc. I assume protools can read DV timecode etc.?
If so it should be able to lock to the TC I'd assume. I tried to
phone an audio buddy of mine, but he didn't pick up...
If you have Vegas you can do this inside the NLE. Load up the
DV track and enable the (or another) audio track for recording
and you can record straight into that locked to the DV file.
Mike Rehmus
September 2nd, 2004, 08:46 PM
If you mean dialog replacement (ADR) then it is straight-forward.
Take a short video clip and lead into it with a red dot in the center of the screen starting at 5 seconds counting down to 1 second before the new dialog has to start. Beep from 5 through 2 seconds, silent at 1.
Let the talent see the video on a reasonably sized screen so they can see the lips. Microphone in front, script on a stand covered with rug (you know that drill). Go for it.
Do short clips because it is very difficult and very frustrating to attempt long clips. The exception is where they have to carry an emotion. That session should be as long as it takes (and is more difficult).
Sync em up in ProT.
I've actually done this in the parking lot of a Police Station when that was the only way I could get access to the talent. It worked and matched the shot since both were outdoors with traffic noise in the background.
Douglas Spotted Eagle
September 2nd, 2004, 10:32 PM
Vegas, ProTools, Sonar, Audition, whatever you have will do this.
Biggest thing is as Mike said, break it up into a cadence of short bits, rather than much more than 2 sentences.
We don't do much ADR any more, but in the few instances, we found that preroll and a half dozen full rolls before recording helped the voice artist/actor to get the cadence and line command.