View Full Version : Cases for GL2

Glen Chua
September 1st, 2004, 04:23 PM
What type of cases do you guys use to home you GL2? I've been searching up on Ebay for some, I don't think I am going to use the Canon HC-4100 because it seems way too expensive. Anyways, what is a good brand and which one should I get? Also, which ones can I use for travel on airplanes?

Miguel Lombana
September 1st, 2004, 07:14 PM
Pelican - all the way! I use 1610 and 1650 Pelican cases for my cams and the nice thing is that you can cut the foam to suit your needs, for instance in my larger case I have it setup for 2 GL's on each side, all the wireless equipment, lens hoods, cables, batteries and other stuff with room to spare.

Word of wisdom, SHOP AROUND! Pelican cases range in price for the same product wildly, the issue I ran into was the first vendor that I used shipped an empty case that the modified with their foam, makes sense after the sale, they were a foam vendor. I ended up purchasing Pelican pick and pluck foam after the sale for additional funds so they cost me more than I should have paid.

Anyway, shop around, measure and have fun.