View Full Version : HDSDI in and HDMI out

Paul Cronin
August 23rd, 2009, 09:13 AM
Just checking to make sure I have the specifications correct prior to buying a field monitor.

If I record HDSDI from my EX to the Nano can I hook up a HDMI Field monitor to the Nano. I know this is in the specifications on the CD page but better to double check. Has anyone has tried this in the field.

With some of the nice HD monitors now only digital out is HDMI not HDSDI this could be a nice feature.

Dan Keaton
August 23rd, 2009, 02:20 PM
Dear Paul,

The nanoFlash HD-SDI and HDMI outputs are always on.

(But, to save power, if we detect that there is no cable in the HD-SDI output, we turn off the HD-SDI transmitter circuitry.)

If you are using HD-SDI in, then you get both HD-SDI and HDMI outputs.

If you are using HDMI in, then you get both HD-SDI and HDMI outputs.

If you are not recording, you still get both outputs if you have a valid source signal.

Paul Cronin
August 23rd, 2009, 02:55 PM
Thanks Dan nice to have both options for a monitor.