View Full Version : Some works done with the DVX100E

Miguel Lopez
August 30th, 2004, 05:15 AM
Hello forum!

Here i copy you a couple works i did last year with the dvx100e. I am not sure if it posted them so please forgive me if i did it.

Any comments will be nice!

Imran Zaidi
August 30th, 2004, 08:48 AM
That was wonderful. Would you mind sharing some of your gear/settings used?

Miguel Lopez
August 30th, 2004, 09:44 AM

Probably everything was shot with the standard settings (no cine gamma used).

I usually set the color very high (+5 or so).

Rob Lohman
August 31st, 2004, 06:15 AM
You shot these commercials with just a DVX100? Can you tell us
how the audi shoot was done?

Miguel Lopez
August 31st, 2004, 07:11 AM
Well, they are justfake commercials. They were just made for fun.

The audi shoot should have been taken place in a very dry and desolate desert, so when the car passed by you could see all the dust leaving after it. However just the day before shooting we had a storm in the desert. So instead of a dry surface we had a mud surface.

In order to make the fog and dust we use fire extinguishers and a fog machine. Joined with the mist in the desert gave us a very extrange looking images.

Besides that there is not much work done. Just color correction and level adjustments done in Vegas.

John Gaspain
September 7th, 2004, 06:52 PM
they look great, ive seen them here before though.

Can you tell me how in the last scene, how did you make the fog follow the car? (at the 25second mark.)

Rich Lee
September 7th, 2004, 10:01 PM
That audi spot looks excellent, well done!

Rich Lee
September 9th, 2004, 11:17 PM
hahaha, just watched the first one with the guy getting the bj, awesome man!

Jett Evans
September 20th, 2004, 06:36 PM
I like them. The only thing that I saw that on the Audi vid, the transitions were sudden and sharp. I think soft transitions (cross dissolve) would look nice with the soft music going on. You did a great job on both. Also i was wondering what song was used in the Audi video, i like it.

Jeremy Krakowski
September 30th, 2004, 02:47 PM
I've never....seen a .... action... :O ...holy crud!!! WOW! And i thought my 24p converting looked good....that stuff looks like 35mm... :O !!!! I'm buying year.... yah.
