View Full Version : quite impressed with MD audio

Chris Ferrer
August 9th, 2002, 02:23 PM
I just went out browsing around my local Circuit City last night and on a complete impulse buy, I bought the Sony MZ-N707 minidisc recorder. (well I asked the salesman if I could return it if I didnt like it and he said within 30 days.... so I bought it)

I came home and plugged it up to my Mixpre using the tape-out jack and ran that into the line-in jack on the recorder, I never imagined such sound could come out of such a little thing... it sounded fantastic. I assume it has a lot to do with running high-end mics though a professional pre-amp but it really did sound fantastic.

There were a few reasons I decided to go with it, one, it was cheap ($200) and two, it has line in, mic in, optical in, a VU meter, manual recording level adjustment and the media is durable and cheap.

I figure it will hold me over until the solid-state and/or HD recorders become more plentiful in our little DV world. Plus I didnt have to rob the bank this time.

So anyone concerned about the audio quality of MD, its not as bad as you may think.


Don Palomaki
August 9th, 2002, 03:39 PM
FYI: Visit for possibly more than you ever wanted to know about MiniDisc.

Good to hear youi like it, and my experience is that MiniDISC has a good, stable timebase too for sync in post.

Chris Ferrer
August 9th, 2002, 10:08 PM
I have hit that site, I think I have hit every digital audio related site on the net in the past few months looking for a good digital recorder. It has some great info and resources, I just didnt think MD was for me. I played around with it a few years ago, still have my old decks, was just never that impressed with it. It has come a long way though!

Im wondering if I pick up a nice AD converter and run optical in if it will sound even better?!?

It was kinda nice to finally get a bargain, toys in this field aint cheap...


Don Palomaki
August 10th, 2002, 06:23 AM
Some MD recorders have optical in only. I guess it depends on whether or not your external A/D is better than the one in the MD recorder.

For recroding audio from a PC using optical to the MD recorder would save a D/A and A/D cycle - which is a good thing to save. Or course the audio out should be 44.1 kHz/16-bit for MD.

Some sound cards only have coax output. MidiMAN (or M-Audio, I forget which) offers a modest cost optical/coax S/PDIF signal converter - the "CO2"

Chris Ferrer
August 10th, 2002, 03:13 PM
I was thinking about going with the Denecke AD-20, a 20 bit 48Khz converter that has 2 XLR inputs and a S/PDIF and Optical output. The minidisc recorder has a sampling rate converter so it will take the 48KHz rate without an issue.
I would be willing to bet that is produces a cleaner signal than the built in converters that the minidisc recorder uses... the recorder is really not much bigger than a minidisc itself and it will be compressing straight digital at that point.

I have had my eye on it for a while now, I think I am just going to get it since I saved so much money on the recorder. It seems to be a pretty versatile unit that can turn most any consumer recorder into a pro-sumer machine by giving it balanced inputs and a clean digital signal.